

    First I would like to welcome you to my classroom and my web page. It is my responsibility to insure you that your student will be given every opportunity to learn, participate, and be successful in my classroom. I am more than willing to work with you as you are the most important influences in your students life. If at any time you have questions about the class, myself, or your student I am more than happy to have a conference (phone or in person) with you. As a teacher, I encourage you to be as involved with your student and their schooling as best as you can. I find it most important for the students to have parents who show them that they care and that they will help them with anything they may need. Enjoy this school year, and I hope that your students year is a successful one!

Here are some links that I believe can help you and your students!

~The national Parent-Teacher Organization fosters parent involvement in education. http://www.pta.org/

~Parent Success features parenting tips and strategies.http://www.parentsuccess.com/

~Parents and Friends of
Lesbians and Gays has information for parents about young people questioning their sexual orientation. http://community.pflag.org/Page.aspx?pid=194&srcid=-2

~Making Lemonade is a web site that is a resource for single parents. http://www.makinglemonade.com/

~Fath'ers' World is web site resource for fathers.http://www.fathersworld.com/features.html

~College Savings$$$ is a site for helping parents plan for college expenses. http://www.collegesavings.org/index.aspx

I invite you to look at the students page!

I have added a link to my unit plan to the students page, there for they are aware of what is going to happening in my classroom. You are more than welcome to look it over and that way you also will have a clear understanding of what your student is going to learn. Also you may visit my page that displays work that I have created and used in my own classes... /created-work.html

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